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2021 Local Council Elections

January 14, 2022

The recent public forum independently organised and run by Rotary Yass was a great evening and opportunity to meet the candidates for the Yass Valley Council election 2021. The event was broken into two segments; firstly, each candidate was provided an opportunity to speak and the second half of the evening was followed by an open-mic with questions being fielded from the audience. A recording of the forum can be viewed here:

Part 1 - Speeches:

Part 2 - Q&A:

To build on this event, the Yass Valley Business Chamber (YVBC) independently wrote a letter (a copy can be found below) introducing YVBC and policy. Further a set of questions were put to candidates in an attempt to give candidates an additional opportunity to provide more detail about themselves and their election platform.

The Yass Valley Business Chamber sent the letter out to all 17 candidates. A list of candidates as per NSW Electoral Commission website, can be found here: Candidate Information Sheet.

The candidates that provided a response can be found below. Click on the tab with each candidates name to read their response. The candidates have been listed in order of their last name as per the above Candidate Information Sheet.

  • ABBEY Jim

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have lived in the Yass/Canberra area for most of my life apart from living and studying at university in Sydney in my younger days and most recently returning from Coffs Harbour. I am living in Demestre St and love living in Yass. Yass has always been my home so that is why I have returned to a community that I know and love.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I am standing for Council because I have always had the aspiration and now have the time to contribute to serving the Yass Valley community by seeking a position as a Councillor on the Yass Valley Council.  Serving as a Councillor is no trifling commitment.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    If elected to Council I would like to progress and speedily bring to resolution some of the matters that are currently before Council. For example the quality of Yass water, the condition of some of the buildings in Comur St etc etc etc. More broadly I would strive to work amicably with the other Councillors so that as a Team we can deliver quality outcomes for the residents and ratepayers of the whole Yass Valley LGA.  A constructive relationship with key stakeholders such as Yass Valley Business Chamber is critical to achieving this aim.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (Underline your selection) 

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    All five strategic priorities are important. If forced to choose just one, it is Community.    The People in the Yass Valley Community are our most precious resource.  Anything that the Yass Council can do to enhance the quality of life for it's residents and rate payers is the most laudable aim.

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Engagement by Council with the business and broader community is essential as they are the key stakeholders in our LGA.  That said the question implies that in the past engagement by Council has sometimes not been an area of strength. If so as a Councillor I would strive to consult well with all relevant parties. I would also ensure that I am a quite visible member of the community that is willing to listen and get things done.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Consultation is essential to quality decision making processes. In this engagement process with stakeholders enough time needs allowed so that the interested parties can vett the issues and have input before changes are made.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline  policies that you support: 

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work

    Without wishing to avoid the question I support all the policies from the YVBC Policy Document. If elected to Council and with the benefit of incumbency I will better able to answer this question at the end of my first term.

  • CAMERON Adrian

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have been a happy resident of Yass Valley for 7 ½ years. We stopped in Yass overnight taking our daughter to start at ANU. My wife spotted a house in Rossi St. Three weeks later we returned and bought it. I am very attracted to this rural area with its wonderful heritage buildings, a great natural environment And a good community feel.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I am standing for council to make a difference! Soon after my arrival in Yass,  I began attending council meetings as I am  interested in local government. I have participated in three council committees, and addressed council on several occasions and was frustrated with the outcomes. By being on the council I may be able to achieve some useful outcomes. 

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    By being on the council I may be able to achieve some useful outcomes. 

    My goals include:

    • Progress the main street of Yass with a viable strategy which also values and supports the  heritage aspects of Yass Valley .
    • Revitalise how the community and the council interact for  the benefit of the whole community of Yass Valley.
    • Using publicly available Greens  policies that have been developed for Yass Valley as the basis of our decisions so our decisions are transparent and locally focused!

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    I agree with the Business  Chamber that all of these are equally important and  need to be seen holistically and kept in balance.

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Community engagement is essentially for progressing Yass Valley into the future. This could include:

    • Attending meetings of community organizations such as the Yass Valley  Business Chamber, Rotary, progress associations etc
    • Informal round table discussions over coffee in different locations.
    • Community forums
    • Investigating with other councils strategies that they have found effective for community consultation.
    • Other strategies that may be suggested by community members.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Our Greens policy  on community engagement outlines a suggestion for voluntary community panels and also a review of the council’s current engagement strategy with a view to reviewing and improving this. Consultation will only be effective if there is two way communication. Transparency with regard to decisions on council policy is key. Working parties or committees can be useful in doing this provided reports are acted upon.  Council meetings in different villages could  be another forum for input into an understanding of community ideas. Councillors could make set times to be available at the Council Chambers to any member of the community who wishes to raise issues or concerns with them.  

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

     b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

    Many thanks for your efforts in helping to make our local government election a success!!

  • DEALE Ryan

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have lived in Yass Valley 5.6 years. My Family originates from Sydney, we move to then Goulburn to then settle in Binalong. The reason why we picked the Yass Valley, was because we could see how Yass and Surrounds would grow as all you need to do is look at the growth of Goulburn. We felt like Yass has some opportunities for our family and being so close to Canberra made the move easier to make.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I am standing for Council to support the small villages around Yass. To provide an opportunity to review the policies and procedures to ensure fresh eyes and a different prospective. To review how council currently provides support to residents of Yass including recourses and management like roads and other infrastructure.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    Better processes when it comes to roads and other key infrastructure like the main street of Yass. To provide an opportunity to review the possibility for a park or infrastructure that would allow more recourses for Teenagers and adults alike.  To allow better community consultation and communication strategies that will allow the residents of Yass Valley to contribute more to projects that council undertakes. These are only a few of my goals.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (Underline your selection) 

    a.  Our infrastructure

    b.  Our community

    c.  Our economy

    d.  Our environment

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    I do think everything is as equally important, but if I were to currently put them in an order that is the order I would use. I include community in our civic leadership!

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    I do think its vitally important that everyone has an opportunity to contribute to any projects, I do imagine this does include key members of the community like the Yass Business Chamber. It all starts with better ways of communications; I think the website does need to easier to understand so any person can gain access and understand what it is happening.

    Additionally, everyone deserves an opportunity to equally contribute to any projects.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    I feel I have already really covered this in my other sections within this form. Consultation is currently lacking and needs to be improved. It is especially important for stake holders to be given an opportunity to contribute to any projects.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline  policies that you support: 

    Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council.

    Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply

    Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans

    Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.

    Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley.

  • FYFE Iain

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have lived in Gundaroo for twenty years, born and raised in Canberra. I moved here to set up family with my new wife, feeling very attracted to Canberra's surrounding region, its heritage and natural setting. I find the community spirit here is something special that is elusive in the city. Life has more to offer! I have been a volunteer with the RFS for over a decade and have participated in the Community Association, the School community etc.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    The attributes and atmosphere of Yass Valley are to be valued and preserved. At the same time change is inevitable. That brings challenges and opportunities. How these are handled and brought into long term vision for Yass Valley are critical. I want to increase my understanding of the community and that means plenty of listening, engaging and advocating. I want to play a leadership role in ensuring the Valley's community and environment to be safe and liveable, where businesses thrive, amenities, services and infrastructure are properly maintained, adaptable, and fit for purpose in a changing climate, benefitting the broader community now and into the future.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    1. Council empowered to focus more on community inclusion
    2. Progress to improvement in domestic water quality and availability.
    3. Improved transparency on road and infrastructure maintenance.
    4. Implementation of clean energy infrastructure across Council, community and transport.
    5. Community revegetation projects including trees to cool built up areas
    6. A plan for Yass Valley to respond to emergencies such as pandemics, heat waves, fire or flood, water shortages.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    We need to be focused on all the priorities. This approach allows us to plan holistically for the future and respond to issues strategically, in ways that are equitable and stand the test of time.

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Yes without doubt. Local government is at the grass roots, where the action is and where people are directly engaged. Healthy businesses, private and public, are essential to the wellbeing of the community, and the latter should be front and centre for any Councillor. For me as a Counsillor it would be essential to regularly meet with individuals and organisations both formally and informally. Understanding all perspectives through active listening and discussion of issues would be my aim.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Consultation is paramount. Obviously not all views, wants and needs can be met. Stakeholders need to be valued, heard, understood and have their concerns addressed. The definition of stakeholder should be broad. A key success factor is when there is consensus that a resulting policy or regulation is in the community interest and fit for purpose.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

  • GINN William (Bill)

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I grew up in Yass Valley on my family’s farm that has been passed down the generations since about 1850. After leaving school I have lived and worked in many places around the world, but my rock-solid home base is on the farm in Yass Valley.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    To represent the best interests of the ratepayers and residents of Yass valley.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    • Improved communications between the elected members and the community
    • A strategic plan that is based on a community supported vision for the future
    • Exploring new ideas that will help improve Yass Valley
    • Council performance monitoring

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a. Our environment 

    b. Our economy 

    c. Our community 

    d. Our infrastructure 

    e. Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    In simple terms, we need a community supported vision for the future of Yass Valley and we need all 9 Councillors to be willing to work together to implement that vision. That vision will include the values that the community puts on the environment, the economy and infrastructure.

    Our civic leadership is a key element of that process. We need leaders who appreciate the need for a community agreed vision and who have the energy needed to implement that vision. 

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    More than important, it is critical. It is businesses that provides the basis of every society. Nothing gets done when the community’s representatives push their own agenda and not the community’s agenda. We can “move mountains” if we work together. 

    How would you do this as a Councillor?

    There are two levels of answer to this question.

    As an individual Councillor, I will maintain a website where I will do my best to explain my understanding of the Council’s and Community’s views on issues dealt with at Council level. I also run a Facebook page where the community can discuss issues.

    I also plan to make myself available for consultation at different venues in Yass Valley on the day before each Council meeting. This will enable members of the local community to speak face to face with me.

    At the Council level, I will work to improve consultation with the community.

    On many occasions I have heard the comment “Council has no trouble sending me the rates notice but can’t send me a message about opportunities to express a view about our future”.

    A good example was the attempt last year by Council to consult with the community about a vision for the future. Very few people knew about the workshop.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    The Councillors are elected to represent the best interests of the ratepayers and residents of Yass Valley. They can only do that if they consult with all stakeholders.

    Council policies and procedures should reflect the expectations of the community and other stakeholders.

    How Council consults with the community and for what issues Council should seek community agreement on needs to be discussed and agreed upon to improve the effectiveness of community consultation.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    I notice that Yass Valley Business Chamber website lists 21 items in the policy statement. I think that is well thought out set of policies.

    I would like to preface my comments on the following policy statements by saying that I will do a closer investigation into the issues raised in the policy statements if I am elected. Without access to the appropriate documentation, it would be premature of me to make a definitive statement about the issues or choose a priority set of 5.

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within Yass Valley.

    Members of my community have suggested several initiatives to encourage desirable new business to Yass Valley. These include a new Canberra International Airport and a high-speed rail link from Yass to Canberra.

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents.

    That is a good idea, but it would need to be considered in terms of how much will be allocated, how will it be managed, what other budgets will be cut to support it and how to we measure a return on that investment.

    c.  Improved Council customer service.

    We should strive for continual improvement at all levels of business and government. How we do that needs to be discussed.

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis

    Performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management performance are most likely already in place. If not, then this should be a top priority for the new Council. 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council

    This should already be in place, if not it should also be a high priority consideration for the new Council.

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply

    My understanding is that this is an ongoing process. Water is a fundamental requirement of society and is the responsibility of all levels of government.

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times

    Managing development is a major activity for Council. We lack a community supported strategic plan and associated development framework which most likely contributes to the long processing and approval times. The processing times need to be reviewed.

    Other factors affecting processing time include the resources to do the processing of development applications and the level of “red tape” involved.

    The community needs to be consulted about the allocation of resources and regularly review development regulations, many of which are determined at the State and Federal level.

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans

    Implementing the master and action plans as soon as possible is desirable. However, the delivery is most likely subject to the availability of resources

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants

    Reaching out to the wider business community to attract new business to Yass Valley is an essential role of Council.

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work.

    That sounds logical and important. It is an area for the next Council to review.

  • JONES Jasmin

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    A decade, and I love it. Yass Valley is a great place to live, raise my 5 children, run a local business, and enjoy the great outdoors, fantastic wineries, local attractions, and cultural events.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

     I’m standing for Council because I love Yass Valley like you do. Families need a strong voice on Council, and I live and breathe the local issues. After nine years serving the community as a councillor, I am keen to ensure we continue to improve and are fit for the future financially. I want to make sure Council strives to makes it easier not harder to live and work in Yass Valley, that opportunities for our youth are championed and we do not lose our unique heritage.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    My Legacy

    • In the next budget cycle, I propose to dedicate funding for a full-time grants officer to assist council and community groups.
    • Meaningful consultation - getting Council connected with community stakeholders well before decisions are made.  
    • Reliable clean town water which means holding the state government to account in its election promise to ‘do whatever it takes’. 
    • To improve our rural roads network starting with quality benchmarking to ensure road repairs and done well and last longer. 
    • Civic buildings, town, and village main streets - all should be well maintained and thriving, and every grant opportunity leveraged. 
    • Murrumbateman needs a category 1 park and safe playing fields as a priority; 
    • Yass needs its Memorial Hall restored and an up-to-date library as part of a CBD renewal. 
    • Our whole community needs a heated pool project for both young and old; 
    • and the Liberty Theatre revitalisation belongs in our Community Strategic Plan.
    • Our communities close to the border and our waterways need the strongest protection possible from illegal and inappropriate landfill
    • Villages need Council to follow through with main street master planning commitments to ensure local village projects are ‘grant ready’.
    • An affordable housing strategy I’ve championed needs to be adopted to allow Council to lobby the State government to look after our most vulnerable with effective social housing and to leverage opportunities within Council’s power to create a range of housing options for both young and old.
    • Council continues to lobby upper levels of government to achieve the full duplication of the Barton Highway & a new Yass Hospital with Maternity 

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    To engage with the business community, I would seek to develop further my relationships with key bodies such as the Business Chamber, invite business owners to speak to Councillors prior to decisions in accessible formats such as forums which allows robust discussions outside of the rigid meeting structures of Council’s usual meeting process. Use surveys, working groups and committees of business leaders wherever appropriate and adopt a ‘consult early and often’ approach to achieve as much consensus decision making as possible as Councillors balance their strategic responsibilities.  

    For the community particularly, the use of media, zoom like platforms, social media, community drop ins, attending village association meetings and informal groups such as playgroups, ‘have a snag and a say’ days on weekends could be beneficial to re-engage with our community, particularly after the difficulties Covid presented in traditional town and village hall style engagement.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Consultation and engagement with stakeholders is critical, otherwise Councillors are not meeting the obligation of their role. Early engagement allows Councillors a deeper understanding of the community concerns and the challenges they face and allows time to formulate options, compromises or even lobby other levels of government to achieve outside-the-box solutions or leverage change to put other options forward as solutions. Wherever Council and community work effectively together the results are profound.  

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    I support all of these.

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

     b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

  • MCGRATH Allan

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    23 years, because we love it.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I have the time, interest and experience to make a contribution and I care about Yass in particular and Yass Valley generally.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    I hope to see a clean, green and prosperous Yass. An improvement in the overall presentation of Yass itself, Better roads and services and improved communication between the council and the community.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Encourage more open Council meetings to enable greater community engagement and discussion where appropriate. Perhaps and expansion of the Economic Development Committee and ensure that I am available and approachable to those needing access to me in my role as a Councillor

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Very important.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    All important, but A. C. D .E. and H., when pressed.

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

  • POTHAN Cayla

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have been a resident of Yass Valley for nearly 18 years. We love the area, the people, the country feel and the family life for our children.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I feel I have a lot of energy and passion for the area and I want to contribute to a sustainable future. As a business owner, I have invested in the future of the Yass Valley.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    Sensible and responsible spending. Communication that is honest and open and integrative.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    They all co-exist

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Absolutely engagement is very important. Communication to support and encourage local businesses so they can grow and florish. I have run a small family business for 6 years now.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Very important - it provides opportunities for stakeholders to be heard, part of the process and respects that others have important information for the best result for the community, and optimal outcome.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

  • REID Mike

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    I have been a resident for about 40 years and my wife and I moved here because of the rural lifestyle – I live on 5 acres (2Ht) and try to keep the majority of the land in an environmentally sustainable condition. We enjoy the company of Kangaroos, Wallabies, Echidnas, Possums and Lizards (many varieties) as well as an enormous range of native birds.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    To be of service to the community and because I have been urged to do so by many people across the Yass Valley. I have no political, monetary or social standing ambitions. 

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    I wish to continue to work closely with Council staff in solving the issues that arise around the Valley and to bridge the gap between our community (s) understanding of the role of Council, what it can do, what it can’t and what we might jointly work on for the betterment of the Yass Valley.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (Underline your selection) 

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    I have an holistic approach to life and believe strongly that we cannot favour one aspect of our existence, or in this case strategic priority over another, rather that they are all intertwined and connected in some way and as such must all be considered in any given situation on their merits and importance at that time.

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Absolutely. I have endeavoured to keep an ‘open door’ to anyone with an issue with Council and will continue to do so even if not elected. I am still a proud Firie (although currently inactive), a member of our local Menshed, Landcare, and Progress association,  and also a founder and long standing Committee member of our Markets. I have attended community meetings across the Valley and have been a part of the Yass Valley Youth Council (honourary as you might imagine given my age) as well as the Economic Development Committee. I am also the Council delegate for the Southern Tablelands Arts and have represented Council at many functions including the Yass Dog Show, Scouts Awards, High School and Primary School end of year functions. I also make myself available for meetings of the Business Chamber when invited.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    I believe in open and transparent engagement with the community especially as it affects Council matters. I realise this is not always possible due to privacy issues but ensure that we (Council) respect that privilege in the manner it deserves and do not abuse it in any way. I always consult as widely as possible on contentious issues and expect that of my fellow Councillors.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support: 

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work

    I support all of these objectives and have served on the Economic Development Committee in support of policies a) and b). Our current Council and Staff have been working on changing our systems and administrative support structure to address c). We have introduced performance reporting and targets for our Executive team and these no doubt will be refined as necessary. On e) a grants officer has been employed (and I support this role given that 50% of Council’s revenue comes from grants). I believe f) is a given since Council has stood its ground in support of a $30M bid to refurbish and install a state of the art purification system. On g) we have received a $1.7M grant (being used for the Adventure Park) in recognition of improvements we have undertaken on DA processing. Can this be improved – well certainly. On h) we currently have a consultancy in place to come up with a plan. On i) I absolutely believe this is one project that must go forward to replace the terrible office space of the Yass Valley Council and it should be done in a way that cost wise and is self supporting by attracting businesses and Government offices (State and Federal). On j) well we were doing ok but Covid and now the elections have dampened that. It will be up to the new Council to revitalise this committee and if elected I would like to be considered for a role in that committee. 

  • TURNER Kim

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    56 years I fell in love with the Yass Valley when I first drove into town in 1965. The entrance sign "welcome to Yass the friendly Town" proved true in every respect and this Community is the most welcoming I have ever met in extensive world travel. Simply the best place to live.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I was first elected to Council in the late 1980s in an era when the Council achieved signicant advances in the beautification of the Town, including the Yass Weir and Riverbank Park, and the Mainstreet. The approach to subdivision in Murrumbateman moved from the old rectangular blocks to one with consideration of catchment and roof areas to lessen the reliance on underground water, envirocycle was the fashion also the reduce the impact of effluent on that supply. I was unhappy with the growing trend towards being a dormitory town so stood, unsuccessfully, in 2012, but was finally reelected in 2016. I still want to see the Valley as an "End destination" so have committed to another term to try to advance that tenet.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    I hope we can bring the many projects already commenced to fruition in this term. Many, like the water supply, will require a much longer period than that but at least we can see these projects cemented into place for the future. I would like to see the collegiate attitude of the current Councillors repeated and once the Chamber is open again the active participation of the ratepayers in the gallery should be welcomed. Openness and transparency are often used buzzwords but every opportunity to be inclusive in consultation with the general public be a natural part of our psyche.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    All of the above!

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    We have progressively dismantled 355 committees and I believe many of them should be reinstated. The reliance on volunteers is critical to the function of the whole LGA and regrettably that pool is invariable filled with the same people, mostly of advancing years. Business representatives, members of Service Clubs, members of sporting groups, members of Mens" Sheds, indeed people from all spheres of community should be encouraged to be active participants in a process over which Councillors have the ultimate say.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Consultation should always be an integral part of any policy or regulatory process. Too often are we impacted by decisions made in Macquarie Street without any regard to the impact in Regional and Rural Australia. Local Government should address the issues that affect the wider local community rather than following the dictates or external policies and directions. As much as we may be involved in numerous community events and fuctions, thinking we have our ears to the ground, we cannot be fully versed unless input is invited and welcomed from the wider community.

    Councillors should always put the Yass Valley First.

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service; 

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

    All are important!

  • WALSH Harvey

    1. How long have you been a resident of Yass Valley and why do you live here?

    My wife and I moved to Yass in 2012. We decided Yass could be a good place to settle into, having moved around a bit the previous few years, from Brisbane, Tweed Heads, Port Macquarie and Canberra. I was working in Canberra. We were initially looking to buy land for a vineyard and self-contained cabins. Our decision has worked out well. We have made a life here, and intend to remain here.

    2. Why are you standing for Council?

    I want to help improve the town and the Valley where I can, building on my experience in government, in the community and in business. I am at a point in my life where I am able to organise my own affairs so that if elected I can give priority to Council matters.

    3. What do you hope to achieve on Council?

    I set out an election platform which focuses on governance, community, economy and ecology. I particularly look forward to working with staff to bring some innovation in these areas. I am aware of considerable work underway, and I want to build on what is happening. The design and upgrading of streetscape of  town and village centres will be a focus of my work, as will opportunities to support new business creation in these centres through upgrading internet connectivity, supporting arts and events, and supporting young people getting started in business. I will focus on improving the ecological base of the valley through support for landowner stewards and community groups to restore waterways, retain native flora and flora and add to the presence of native vegetation and  landscape throughout the valley, including into the towns and villages. I will support community organisations to strengthen their capabilities, collaborate and continue to contribute the underpinning layer these organisations have. I will look for ways to support the extraordinary number of artists in this community – visual artists, performers, musicians. And I look forward to working collaboratively with other Councillors, where possible, finding common ground and combined energy.

    4. Which of the five high-level strategic priorities from the Community Strategic Plan do you believe is most important and why? 

    (underline your selection)

    a.  Our environment 

    b.  Our economy 

    c.  Our community 

    d.  Our infrastructure 

    e.  Our civic leadership 

    f.  All of the above are equally important

    All five are important, but without community you have nothing – even leadership, which brings out the best in community.

    5. Do you believe engagement with business and the wider community is important? How would you do this as a Councillor?

    Businesses create jobs, products, services and vitality to the life of the Valley. They are critically important to the sustenance of the Valley. Therefore Councillors need to be aware of the issues businesses are grappling with, and Council needs to be alert to opportunities for new business here. 

    How to do this? Just attending Chamber Networking breakfasts won’t be enough. The Economic Development committee needs to be re-energised, perhaps rethought. 

    Surveys are helpful. Councillors need to get out more, I think – though there are a couple of notable exceptions who do.

    6. What is your view on consultation? How important is engagement with stakeholder/s prior to Council adopting or changing policy or regulation?

    Consultation is important and is sometimes done badly or is wasted. I say this as someone who has run, as a consultant, consultation work for government, who has commissioned consultation work from government, and who has participated in many community consultations. The consultation on the main street of Yass, for example, was done well but the information gained was not put into the work, so people largely wasted their time. There is a fair bit of cynicism now about consultation – indeed about government.  

    Consultation done well needs to:

    1. accept that people have a right to not participate, or to participate minimally and in ways most convenient to them.
    2. Be very clear at the outset with stakeholders as to whether the outcomes of the consultation are to make decisions, or just maybe to inform decisions, or just to communicate decisions already made.
    3. Follow up with communication/ consultation about the outcomes of the consultation. What happened?

    7. Below is a list of policies from YVBC’s Policy Document, underline 5 policies that you support:

    a.  Attracting and supporting new businesses to relocate and setup within the Yass Valley; 

    b.  Establish a marketing and advertising budget for the promotion of Yass Valley to capture new business and residents; 

    c.  Improved Council customer service

    d.  Introduce and maintain performance objectives and targets for Council’s Executive Management Team that are reviewed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; 

    e.  Establishing a dedicated grants team in Council; 

    f.  Improving the water quality of Yass Town water supply; 

    g.  Improve Development Application and Construction Certificate processing and approval times; 

    h.  Timely delivery of the main street masterplan, action plans; 

    i.  Support the Civic Precinct Project with focus of attracting government departments and/or large business tenants 

    j.  Ensuring that committee’s such as the Economic Development Committee meet regularly and progress work. 

By By About Region - Jacqueline Lyons July 9, 2024
The secret is out. Yass Valley is home to a growing, vibrant and supportive business community. And the Yass Valley Business Chamber is again calling for nominations for its upcoming awards.
By Jack Walker October 5, 2023
Prepared for the Yass Valley Business Chamber Annual General Meeting on Friday 6 October 2023 at 7.30am. In the first instance, I would like to recognise the ongoing dedication and service provided by Committee members and active members alike. We recognise that committing to a volunteer organisation is a bold step especially when involved in one’s own business and personal life. We appreciate your commitment and want you to know that we recognise the value of your contribution. Over the course of 2023, we have deliberately set out to build on what has been a strong, evolving, and dynamic Committee over the past three years. We now have a much better understanding of the ‘life cycle’ of the Chamber and its impact on our individual personal commitments. As a result, we have set out to build strength not only in depth but breadth across Yass Valley. As a committee, one of our goals this year has been to help the business community understand and see that the Chamber truly represents the Yass Valley business community as a whole rather than being a Yass-centric organisation. The Yass Valley Business Chamber has a proud 100-year tradition of representing business within the Yass Valley. As part of the launch of Small Business Month this week, we recognised that Yass Valley, its identity, and businesses have not only evolved but grown over the years. Over 200 years ago, Hamilton Hume and his expedition first laid eyes on Yass Valley and identified it as a naturally beautiful place, rich in pastures and abundant in water. A place that would be great for settlement and sheep grazing. His was an early vision that would one day place Yass Valley on the international stage as the fine wool hub of the world, its natural fibre sought-after by the mills, fashion houses and runways of Europe and Asia. Like the great explorers of the past, Yass Valley’s business owners are pioneers carving out and contributing to our rich and diverse history and Yass Valley brand. Today Yass Valley boasts a proud aboriginal, strong colonial, and innovative agricultural history. Yass Valley though is not only home to wool producers and graziers but also home to world-class wineries, product makers and artists, first class experiences, events, and services. Yass Valley has become known as a wonderful lifestyle destination. A place to live, work or play. A place that is bursting with sensational experiences, a thriving arts scene, boutique shopping, great events and quality services and goods. If Hamilton Hume were to see the Yass Valley of today, he, as a business owner and entrepreneur would surely rejoice to see the evolution that has taken place from early settlement frontier to the thriving and diverse place that is made up of eight towns and villages, known as Yass Valley. The 2022-2023 Committee I would like to thank the Committee for your commitment. We have continued to achieve a lot over the past 12-months, and it is through your ongoing volunteered time, effort, and passion that we have been able to have a productive year and achieved a great amount. A very big thank you to: Vice-President: Jim Hutton OBE Treasurer: Anthony Eldridge Secretary: Jacquie Tewes Ordinary Committee Member: Bridget Breen Guiney Ordinary Committee Member: Tally Ryder Ordinary Committee Member: Marie-Nicole Roberts Public Officer/ Ordinary Committee Member: Andrew Curlewis Past 12-Months The past 12-months have continued to present challenges for business in Yass Valley. Businesses have faced inflation, continued material and skills shortages and rapidly rising interest rates. During this time, Yass Valley Business Chamber has continued to focus on its strategic priorities of collaboration and support, promotion and growth and government engagement. The past year’s achievements are a testimony of the performance of Yass Valley Business Chamber as a strong voice and advocate for business; a summary of some key achievements for the past 12-months include: Ongoing media exposure partnership with both Region Media (through RiotACT andAboutRegional) and Yass Valley. These partnerships not only continue to promote ourmembers and their businesses but are helping to drive visitors, support the local economyand lift Yass Valley’s profile in the region. See In the Media. Organising and running the monthly Networking Breakfast including new formats that have facilitated member feedback, discussion panels related to Challenges and Opportunities experienced by businesses within Yass Valley. Catch the replays here: Organising and running in partnership with Region Media, Regional Development Australia Southern Inland; the refreshed and informative Yass Connect networking event on a quarterly basis at Yazzbar. Including helping businesses improve their Digital Connectivityand Grant Writing Skills. Check-out some photos here. We hosted the new annual ‘Great Welly Toss’ event as part of Breakfast in the Paddock, see here . Continued engagement with the Hon Kristy McBain, Federal Member for Eden-Monaro and Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories. Continued engagement with the former NSW Government including hosting Hon WendyTuckerman, Member for Goulburn and Minister for Local Government and Hon Victor Dominello, Minister for Customer Service. See photos of the Main Street Tour here . Local Government engagement with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors, and staff. Continued participation on the Yass Valley Council Economic Development Committee whichhas been assisting Council in the identification of a range of project priorities. Submissions to the NSW Government including Department of Planning & Environment onthe ‘Draft South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2041 Submission’ view submission hereand Department Transport for NSW ‘Draft South East and Tablelands Regional TransportPlan’ view submission here. The Chamber completed a submission on Council’s Integrated Planning & ReportingDocuments 23/24 view submission here . Supporting members by providing letters of support, information about grants, incentivesand programs including partnering with Yass Valley Council to deliver NSW Small BusinessMonth 2023 launch and workshops, see event details here. Contributing to the planning, running and promotion of the Christmas Late Night Shoppingand Parade Event including working with Region Media to widen the exposure of the eventacross the region. We are pleased to have 6 new nominations for the committee with 5 current committee members renominating for another year. This will see a total of 11 out of 12 committee positions taken-up. The committee will have members who live and/or work in Bookham, Bowning, Murrumbateman, and Yass. This really helps to diversify our views, discussions and reinforce our focus on being representative of the whole Yass Valley. Looking Forward 12-Months We continue to operate under the Constitution, Vision, Purpose, and Strategic Priorities as identified by the 2020-2021 Strategy. Moving forward, we are looking to break the unofficial roles and responsibilities that relate to the Strategic Priorities into three new teams of: Events, Promotion and Growth. This will provide greater flexibility and enable the committee to be even more effective while managing our individual business and private life responsibilities. As previously identified, we will continue to broadly focus on the following areas: More active engagement with other business chambers, action groups and committees. Building a stronger network for the business Chamber. Invite local groups, event organisers and committees to a Business Chamber breakfast orquarterly connect meetings. Advocate and be a stronger voice for Yass Business on issues like infrastructure, water,sewerage, roads, health, education, housing, shopping, staffing and the future of the YassValley. Further engagement with local and state government. Improving Yass Valley’s brand identity. There is still a need to create, cultivate andcommunicate the desirability of our region as a great business and lifestyle choice. Cultivate new and old members and volunteers. Establish a membership welcome pack. Contribute to solutions for the shopfront and home renting issues in Yass Valley. Mentorships for businesses and education resources. Once the new committee is installed, we will complete a review of what we have been doing well and identify any additional opportunities that can be pursued by each team. In closing, thank you again to our members for your ongoing support. I’d ask you to spread the word, invite new businesses to our events and encourage membership registration. If you’re interested in being more involved, have ideas or need support for an initiative, please speak to one of the Committee members. Yass Valley Business Chamber is only as strong our collective group of members. If you are new and discovering the Yass Valley Business Chamber for the first time, I encourage you to learn more about our membership and contact us if you have questions. Kind regards Jack Walker President, Yass Valley Business Chamber
By Riotact - Dione David February 7, 2023
After three years in the making, AgTechData is set to launch next month.
By Riotact - Evelyn Karatzas January 25, 2023
If you’re looking for a destination that doesn’t involve joining the queue of cars on the way down Kings Highway, a trip to Murrumbateman in the wonderful Yass Valley should be high on your list of things to do.
By Riotact - Katrina Condie November 28, 2022
Moving from a suburban block in Queanbeyan to a rural property in Yass two years ago was a no-brainer for the Eldridge family. They’ve embraced the country lifestyle without sacrificing the city convenience.
David Faulks and Mary McAvoy run the successful Tallagandra Hill Winery in the Yass Valley village o
By Riotact - Dione David November 8, 2022
As the Yass Valley marks small business month with its "Connect for Success" series of events, Tallagandra Hill Winery co-owner David Faulks reveals how the winery worked through some tough years and positioned itself as a destination venue.
By Yass Valley Council October 16, 2022
The NSW Government is supporting the Yass Valley business community through their Small Business Month program being held throughout the month of November.
By Jack Walker October 6, 2022
This Presidents Report has been prepared for the Annual General Meeting on Friday 7 October 2021 at 7.30am.
By Riotact - Yass Valley Council September 17, 2022
Join the Craic in Yass at the Irish and Celtic Music Festival on the 3rd weekend in September! (16th, 17th & 18th)
By Riotact - Katrina Condie September 13, 2022
Musicians, poets, storytellers and dancers are warming up ahead of the revived Irish and Celtic Music Festival at Yass. The three-day festival from 16 – 18 September will celebrate the town’s rich Celtic heritage following a two-year hiatus due to COVID.
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